On 15 January 2010 the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) submitted a Contract Notice regarding Helicopter Services in Greenland, ID 2010-005923, GEUS J. no. 0413-00203, through the eNotices portal for European public procurement. The official call for tenders was published at GEUS' website on Monday 18 January with a deadline to submit tenders on 1 March 2010 at 12:00 am.
The enquiries and questions received regarding the tender for Helicopter Services in Greenland 2010 suggest that it may be difficult for service providers to give offer for the assignment in all three areas (i.e. for all three lots), as they overlap in time and thus require three different aircrafts.
On this background GEUS has decided to change the conditions for the tender permitting that service providers submit tenders to one or more lots, cf. Contract Notice, section II, paragraph 1.8, and the official Notice of Change.
GEUS encourage service providers to submit tenders, deadline still being Monday 1 March at 12:00 am.