Seismology and seismic methods are the most important geophysical tools used by the Geophysics Department at GEUS. The department has experience with acquisition, processing, and interpretation of seismic data from a variety of seismic methods.
Over the last many years, the department has developed significant expertise acquiring seismic data by carrying out our own surveys in connection with the Extended Continental Shelf project, as well as by serving as consultants for private companies acquiring seismic data both on land and at sea. In addition, the department has expertise with processing and modeling seismic data.
The department works with both seismic reflection and seismic refraction data. Through the DANSEIS cooperative project with the University of Copenhagen and Aarhus University, the department has access to a pool of seismic refraction instruments. Data acquired with these instruments are used for deep imaging and constraining seismic velocity with depth.
In addition, seismic reflection equipment has been acquired in collaboration with the Institute for Geoscience at the University of Aarhus. This equipment has been modified and adapted for use on Arctic Icebreakers to collect essential data for Greenland's extended continental shelf claims. The equipment, however, is modular and flexible and can be used on many different platforms and environments.
The department has a variety of the state-of-the-art software available and experience with processing, modelling, and interpreting seismic data.