GEUS has collected and interpreted data for the delimitation of the continental shelf and has been responsible for the preparation of the submission documents to the United Nations, latest in 2016.
Read more about our work with delimitation of the continental shelf.
Mapping habitats
The mapping of the seabed’s habitats is a decisive step towards ensuring sustainable exploitation of the marine environment. Our focus area is the benthic habitats including physical, biological and chemical conditions on the seabed.
Read more about mapping habitats (in Danish).
Geological models
Almost all projects that the Near Surface Land and Marine Geology Department works with include the compilation of a geological model. In this way, we have extended experience with establishing models. An example of this is a geological model for reefs offshore Jutland.
Read more about geological models (in Danish).
Marine and surface-near geological history
GEUS works with the palaeogeographic development of the Danish marine areas, focussing on the time after the latest glacial period. The palaeogeographical map can, combined with geological models, be used in many different contexts, e.g. for locating coastal sand and gravel sediments for raw-material exploitation.
Read more about marine and surface-near geological history (in Danish).
Marine data acquisition
GEUS collects all types of marine seabed data and carries out research-based consultancy for authorities and the industry based on the collected acoustic data, sediment samples from the seabead and laboratory analyses.
In addition, we have a collection of instruments for acoustic measurements, sediment sampling. GEUS also has a 31 feet motorboat, Maritina, for seismic investigations, sampling, etc. in the inner Danish waters.
Read more about marine data acquisition (in Danish).