Mineral resources and raw materials are used in the manufacture of almost everything around us, and they are a precondition for our ability to develop and grow as a society. Demand for mineral resources and raw materials is increasing in step with the growing global population, increased wealth and new technologies. This applies both to quantities and the range of different types of resources that are in demand. The world's resources are under pressure.
This has led to a demand for scientific data on the complex interrelationships that make up the value chains for each resource, from exploration and extraction, over processing and production of semi-products, to goods for consumption and possible reuse. An important task is therefore to assess what could lead to scarcity situations, and the extent to which such situations will affect society.
In 2013, GEUS established the Center for Minerals and Materials (MiMa), one of the objectives of which is to analyse whether Danish society and Danish businesses would be affected by a lack of access to mineral resources, and the extent to which this could impact the Danish economy. MiMa is also tasked with identifying challenges and opportunities in the reuse of mineral resources.
MiMa's work is based on GEUS' research-based knowledge and capacity in the mineral resources field, and the Centre is tasked with providing targeted information to both private and public stakeholders.