Changing ocean conditions and marine biodiversity off Northwest Greenland
Biodiversity – the diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems – is declining faster now than at any other time in human history, and this decline is happening in tandem with climate change. As part of a large research project at GEUS, this MSc project will focus on unraveling marine biodiversity off Northwest Greenland in relation to ocean conditions. The project will consist of analyzing environmental DNA (eDNA) from water samples and marine sediments. The ideal student will have a background within the Natural Sciences and a keen interest in working in an interdisciplinary research environment. Some laboratory experience is desirable but not obligatory.
Changing ocean conditions and marine biodiversity off Northwest Greenland
Department and supervisor(s) at GEUS:
Glaciology and Climate, Sofia Ribeiro ( and Heike Zimmermann (
Project type:
Project period:
To be agreed upon
Sofia Ribeiro
Glaciologi og Klima