A PhD position is available at the Department of Hydrology at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Denmark. The PhD study will be carried out in corporation with Department of Geophysics, GEUS, and the successful candidate will be enrolled at the Geological Institute, University of Copenhagen. The PhD study will be associated to the Research School of Water Resources (FIVA). The study will be financed for three full-time years employment according to the standard Danish PhD rates. The PhD study is expected to commence October 1th, 2005.
Description of department
The Department of Hydrology at GEUS employs a staff of geologists, hydrogeologists, engineers and technicians working primarily on the protection and viable exploitation of freshwater resources. This is accomplished through the acquisition of scientific knowledge of the processes and parameters controlling groundwater flow and solute transport. More specifically, the department works on research and consulting projects in the areas of recharge, groundwater extraction, groundwater resources evaluation, groundwater protection, flow and transport in fractured glacial tills and chalk, groundwater/surface water interaction, groundwater restoration and groundwater monitoring. The department has expertise in a wide range of techniques including geophysical borehole logging, hydraulic testing, tracer tests, groundwater age determination and numerical modeling. A substantial part of the departments activities are connected with research and development projects within the aforementioned areas and are carried out in close cooperation with Danish as well as foreign research institutes and universities.
Project description
The objective of the study is to obtain a better description of the architecture of the Miocene formations and the embedded Quaternary valleys in the western part of Denmark, and to improve the current understanding of the flow paths and the hydrochemistry in these aquifers. Characterization of the geological formations will be based on a combination of geophysical, geological and hydrochemical data. Construction of a three-dimensional geological model will be carried out using interpretation techniques known from both hydrocarbon reservoir exploration and groundwater modeling. The hydrochemistry of the formations will be characterized using a combination of new measurements of groundwater age and environmental tracers together with a compilation of existing data on groundwater chemistry. A regional groundwater model based on a combination of the new three-dimensional representation of the geological formations and the existing national water resource model (DK-model) will be established. The model should be constructed such that both flow and solute transport simulations can be carried out at regional scale. The calibrated model will be used for the interpretation of the analyzed hydrochemical data. The model should be used for simulation of groundwater age distribution using new simulation techniques and to quantify inter-aquifer mixing and diffusion processes in the deep regional aquifers. The results should support the interpretation of the hydrochemical data and help to understand the distribution of hydrochemical facies within the aquifers.
The candidate is expected to:
· hold a master degree in Geology, Physical Geography, Hydrology or similar field of science
· posses skills within one or more of the disciplines geological modeling, groundwater modeling, hydrological modeling
Experience with hydrogeological field work, GIS or geostatistics with be an advantage.
Further information:
Information about GEUS is available at www.geus.dk. More information about the position can be obtained from senior scientist Torben O. Sonnenborg (tel.: +45 38 14 27 87, email: tso@geus.dk) or research professor Jens Christian Refsgaard (tel.: +45 38 14 27 76, email: jcr@geus.dk).
The application, which should be written in English and marked "PhD position in hydrogeological modeling, GEUS No. 0361-032", should contain the applicant's curriculum vitae (including documentation of the applicant's educational history) and a complete list of published works.
In addition to the material submitted by the applicant, the Evaluation Committee may decide to include further material in its evaluation. Applicants are bound to submit any additional material requested by the Evaluation Committee.
Applications and enclosures submitted in paper form should be submitted as six identical, collated sets. Applications and enclosures may also be submitted electronically on CD-ROM or by e-mail provided they are in Word 97 or Word XP readable format.
Applications must be received by GEUS no later than September 1th, 2005 at 12.00 a.m.
(Danish time) and should be submitted to:
Øster Voldgade 10
1350 Copenhagen K
e-mail: geus@geus.dk