Geology and Ore 35, 2024

The mineral potential of the East Greenland Palaeogene intrusions

Flood basalts, dyke swarms and intrusive complexes characterise the outer coastal area of East Greenland. They are all part of the Palaeogene volcanic rifted margin that formed prior to, during, and after the onset of seafoor spreading in the North Atlantic. The magmatic province stretches from c. 66°N to c. 75°N, a distance of c. 1,300 km. The magmatism lasted for about 50 million years, from 61 to 13 Ma. More than sixty Palaeogene intrusions are recorded. The plutonic suites range in composition from ultramafc to felsic and from depleted basaltic to highly alkaline, and in form from upper crustal intrusions to subvolcanic centres and breccia pipes with related epithermal vein systems.

Due to its remoteness, severe climate and rugged topography, the East Greenland Palaeogene province remains vastly underexplored. In spite of this, two world-class deposits – the Malmbjerg porphyrymolybdenum deposit and the Skaergaard mafc intrusion-hosted stratiform PGE-gold deposit – are known from this region that ofers a promising potential for mineral deposits of similar or other types. 

Geology and Ore 35, 2024 is a revised version of number 06, 2006


Flood basalts, dyke swarms and intrusive complexes characterise the outer coastal area of East Greenland. They are all part of the Palaeogene volcanic rifted margin that formed prior to, during, and after the onset of seafoor spreading in the North Atlantic. The magmatic province stretches from c. 66°N to c. 75°N, a distance of c. 1,300 km. The magmatism lasted for about 50 million years, from 61 to 13 Ma. More than sixty Palaeogene intrusions are recorded. The plutonic suites range in composition from ultramafc to felsic and from depleted basaltic to highly alkaline, and in form from upper crustal intrusions to subvolcanic centres and breccia pipes with related epithermal vein systems.

Due to its remoteness, severe climate and rugged topography, the East Greenland Palaeogene province remains vastly underexplored. In spite of this, two world-class deposits – the Malmbjerg porphyrymolybdenum deposit and the Skaergaard mafc intrusion-hosted stratiform PGE-gold deposit – are known from this region that ofers a promising potential for mineral deposits of similar or other types.



geology and ore 35

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