GEUS Bulletin gets a makeover

Published 06-01-2025

GEUS's long-standing scientific journal will now be published on an updated and more user-friendly website.

A picture taken over the shoulder of a person shows a screen in focus with the GEUS Bulletin website on it.

For over a century, geologists have shared their research with colleagues in journals published by the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) – for the past 20 years in the GEUS Bulletin, an open-access and peer-reviewed journal.

Now, the journal's geoscientific publications are available online in a more modern format.

“We have strengthened our brand with a new logo and design. The website's content is now much easier to navigate. I am really pleased with the result. It has become beautiful and user-friendly,” says Catherine Jex, the editor-in-chief of the GEUS Bulletin.

User needs at the centre

New features on include:

  • All new publications on the homepage are now categorised under 'Denmark', 'Greenland', and 'Rest of the World', making it easy to find publications from the geographic area of interest.
  • An even more user-friendly submissions system for researchers wishing to submit articles for peer review and publication.
  • Access to thematic collections of articles on current geoscientific topics, such as sea-level rise and the ocean decade.

“We have updated the site to meet our users' needs. It was important to the editorial team and for our authors and readers that it is modern but also long-lasting,” says Catherine Jex.

GEUS Bulletin shares with other journals

All content on the new website remains freely accessible to everyone without any paywall: GEUS Bulletin’s content is Diamond Open Access, a scientific publishing model where journals and platforms do not charge fees to either authors or readers.

GEUS Bulletin uses the community-based software called Open Journal Systems, created by the Public Knowledge Project (PKP), which scientific journals use to publish articles.

Stine Øckenholt, a graphic designer in GEUS’s drawing office, designed the new look for the GEUS Bulletin, which has now been implemented by PKP. Other journals using Open Journal Systems and wishing for a similar appearance can soon download a modified version named ‘Ammonite’. (LINK)

The GEUS Bulletin was first published in 2003, succeeding other GEUS journals that have been published since 1899. GEUS Bulletin publishes peer-reviewed geoscientific articles, monographs, and map descriptions from Denmark, Greenland, and the Arctic region.

Catherine Jex
Editor in Chief
Press and Communication
Anja Fonseca
Head of Press and Communications
Press and Communication