Explore over a century of geological research from Denmark and Greenland

Published 10-06-2021

GEUS makes more than a century of geological research available online as open access.

Since 1890, geoscientists have published articles about the geology of Denmark, Greenland and the Arctic in journals published by the Geological Survey of Greenland (GGU) and the Geological Survey of Denmark (DGU). These journals are the predecessors of GEUS Bulletin ­– the flagship, open access scholarly journal published by GEUS.

Now, all of the approximately 2,500 articles, monographs, reports and map descriptions, many of them in English, have been made available online, open access for all to read at geusjournals.org.

For instance, you can read a description of the geology of all of Greenland covering almost 4 billion years.

Or a geological description of the Illimaussaq Intrusion in South Greenland, which holds rare earth metals and thereby has become interesting politically as well. 

An important step

Catherine Jex, editor-in-chief of GEUS Bulletin explains:

“The full catalogue is hosted on our dedicated journal platform, GEUS Journals, allowing all the metadata for this scientific research to be registered in modern scholarly databases. This is a really important step in preserving the scientific record and this rich catalogue of titles for current and future generations of scholars.”

She continues:

“For me, as editor in chief of the current journal, GEUS Bulletin, it is wonderful to finally see the full back catalogue of DGU and GGU titles published online. We can now show this long thread that extends from our modern articles of satellite imagery and machine learning, all the way back to the beautiful hand drawings of fossils and maps in 1893. This treasure trove of Danish and Greenlandic geological research is now freely available to the world on our open access platform. It’s just fantastic.”

Go to geusjournals.org to search the full archive.

Suggested reading

Rørdam, K. 1890: Undersøgelse af mesozoiske Lerarter og Kaolin paa Bornholm i geologisk og teknisk Henseende. Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse II. Række 1, 109pp. (In Danish)

Andersen, J., Bøggild, O., Callisen, K., Jessen, A., Jessen, K., Madsen, V., Mertz, E. L., Milthers, V., Nordmann, V., Ravn, J. & Ødum, H. 1928: Summary of The Geology of Denmark. Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse V. Række 4(1), 219pp. 

Munck, S. & Noe-Nygaard, A. 1942: Chemical Analyses of Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks of Denmark, the Faeroes and Greenland. (To and including 1940). Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse II. Række 68, 105pp.

Ghisler, M. 1968: The geological setting and mineralizations west of Lilianmine, South Greenland. Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse 16, 53pp. 

Kollmann, H. & Peel, J. 1983: Paleocene gastropods from Nûgssuaq, West Greenland. Bulletin Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse 146, 115pp. 

Aaris-Sørensen, K., Petersen, K. S. & Tauber, H. 1990: Danish Finds of Mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius (Blumenbach)) Stratigraphical position, dating and evidence of Late Pleistocene environment. Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse Serie B 14, 44pp. 

Poulsen, N. E., Gudmonsson, L., Hansen, J. M. & Husfeldt, Y. 1990: Palynological preparation techniques, a new Macerationtank-method and other modifications. Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse Serie C 10, 23pp. 

Catherine Jex
Editor in Chief
Press and Communication

Read GEUS Bulletin

GEUS Bulletin is a peer-reviewed, diamond open access journal published by the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS). We publish geoscience research papers, monographs and map descriptions for Denmark, Greenland and the Arctic region.