New excursion to spectacular wave-dominated delta

Published 20-02-2019

Take part in GEUS’ next excursion to Lower Miocene wave-dominated delta on 24-28 June 2019.

Ekskursion til bølgedomineret delta

GEUS organises an excursion to the Lower Miocene wave-dominated delta in eastern Jylland. The delta shows exceptionally detailed sedimentary structures and clearly demonstrates facies changes within fluvial, shallow marine, and back barrier depositional environments.

The excursion offers insights into how a sequence stratigraphic model can be used to predict where to find the best reservoir rocks in coastal, clastic depositional environments.

The excursion takes place on 24-28 June 2019 and is especially of interest to exploration geologists, to those working with seismic data, log-correlation and detailed sedimentology, and to reservoir geologists.


Read more and sign up. 

Erik Skovbjerg Rasmussen
Senior Researcher
Geophysics and Sedimentary Basins