North Atlantic Craton Conference 2016 ('NAC+ 2016')
21-23 March 2016, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh UK
Registration fees:
Standard: GBP 245
Member of the Mineralogical Society: GBP 205
Student GBP 60
Registration includes conference icebreaker (21 March), conference dinner (22 March), and lunches on two days of conference.
Delegate registration can be accessed from the main conference website:
Or directly from:
Abstract submission:
Abstracts for presentations can be submitted during registration (deadline 15th January), or by sending them to A template can be found on the home page of the website:
Conference themes:
- Formation and cratonisation of the NAC: from micro-continents to craton
- Proterozoic orogens: the mobile belts surrounding the NAC
- The NAC margin in Canada and its mineralisation
- Metallogenesis and links to geodynamic setting
- Mineral resources of the NAC and adjacent Palaeoproterozoic mobile belts
Confirmed keynote speakers
Prof. Nicholas Arndt (University Joseph Fourier, Grenoble) - theme: Sources of metals from the asthenosphere vs. lithospheric mantle, and the formation of continental crust
Dr. Alana Hinchey (Newfoundland & Labrador Geological Survey) - theme: Geology of the Makkovik-Ketilidian orogenic belt
Prof. Raimo Lahtinen (Geological Survey of Finland) - theme: Palaeoproterozoic tectonic evolution and metallogeny of Fennoscandia
Dr. Bo Moller-Stensgaard (GEUS) - theme: Archaean-Palaeoproterozoic evolution of the NAC in Greenland Further keynote speakers are yet to be confirmed.
Field trip:
A fieldtrip to the Outer Hebrides is planned to take place after the conference. Details can be found here If you would like to secure your place on the trip, please state your interest to attend either whilst registering for the conference, or by emailing Please note that spaces are limited for the field trip and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
Please note that we are in the process of securing a limited number of student bursaries to assist eligible students in attending our conference. We will send further details of student bursaries as soon as we can.
We have negotiated a discounted rate on a hotel near to the Royal College of Surgeons. Details can be obtained by phoning +44 (0)131 662 2080 and giving the name of the conference. Rooms have been reserved at a rate of GBP95 per night (including breakfast), representing a 5% discount.
Second circular:
A second circular will be made available on the BGS website shortly and will be emailed around various group lists soon.
Please direct all questions to:
Prof. Jochen Kolb
Department of Petrology and Economic Geology, GEUS
Phone: +45 9133 3863