GEUS have jointly with Orbicon A/S been awarded the contract to make an evaluation of the activities from 2009 to 2014 in the World Bank trust fund EI-TAF.
The objective of EI-TAF is to assist resource-rich, developing countries to correctly structure extractive industry (mineral, oil and gas) transactions and related sector policies from the outset, thus reducing the risk of costly or politically difficult remediation at a later stage. The EI-TAF facilitates rapid-response advisory services and capacity building for extractive industry resource policy frameworks and transactions.
The Extractive Industries Technical Advisory Facility (EI-TAF) is a multi-donor trust fund managed by the Oil, Gas and Mining Policy and Operations Division of the World Bank. The EI-TAF facilitates advisory services to resource-rich, developing country governments for capacity building related to extractive industry contract negotiations and associated policy reforms/frameworks.
The expected outcome is to level the playing field between resource-rich, developing countries and resource companies and ensure that the countries - and ultimately their citizens - benefit from the exploitation of their extractive resources.
The evaluation will be initiated 1 September 2014 and the results of the evaluation will be presented to the donor group at the next donor meeting in spring 2015.
John Tychen, GEUS
Phone: +45 21 47 43 31