GeoSites are areas of international significance that in an exceptional, scientific way document the geological processes and environments that have created the Earth. They are our common nature heritage. In Denmark 38 international GeoSites have been selected. Each of them holds a unique documentation of the formation of the Earth and the landscape surrounding us.
The Danish GeoSites include localities, such as Stevns Klint, Fakse Kalkbrud, Møns Klint, Hanklit, Lønstrup Klint, Skagen Odde, Gram Lergrav og Åmosen.
Together these 38 localities document significant geological phenomena, such as sudden changes in the environment, well-preserved fossils, special minerals, the impact of the ice on the landscape, definite traces of the climate in the past and the formation of special coastlines.
The purpose of selecting GeoSites is to increase the attention on outstanding geological values and to contribute to the protection and conservation of these sites.
The International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) has taken the initiative and the associated European interest group ProGEO has put it into action through the National Committee of Geology and the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS).
Descriptions in English of the 38 Danish GeoSites can be found on
All over Europe GeoSites are being selected, and with its 38 localities Denmark is among the few countries that have finished the selection process. So it will take some time before a complete European list of GeoSites is available.
Information about the European work can be found on
Erik Nygaard, GEUS
Phone: +45 38 14 29 20