The limestone in the Danish subsurface is a very important reservoir rock for oil and gas, but in several places in Denmark, we also get drinking water from the limestone strata. In the North Sea, we find the limestone several kilometres down in the subsurface, and in eastern Denmark, the rocks are exposed, for example in the cliffs at Stevns and on Møn. GEUS has prepared new detailed maps of the top, base and depth of the carbonate rocks under the entire Danish territory from the central part of the North Sea to the easternmost part of Denmark. The maps are the first collated record of rock types important to society, and it builds on a collection of comprehensive seismic data, previously published maps and information from oil and gas and water wells. The maps cover the carbonate rocks and similar geological formations deposited in the period from the Cenomanian to the Danian.
The maps are presented in the report:
Vejbæk, O.V., Bidstrup, T., Britze, P., Erlstrøm, M., Rasmussen, E.S. & Sivhed, U. 2003: Chalk structure maps of the central and eastern North Sea. Top and base chalk in depth and time. Danmarks og Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse Rapport 2003/106, 55 pp. Including 3 enclosures: 1) Top Chalk depth structure map. 2) Base Chalk depth structure map. 3) Chalk Group isopach map.
Contact person:
Ole Vejbæk, GEUS.
Phone: +45 38 14 25 02