Post-doc opportunities at the Danish Lithosphere Centre - apply before Jan. 16, 2003

Published 11-11-2002

Post-doctoral opportunities in geochemistry at DLC

The Danish Lithosphere Centre (DLC) has up to two post-doctoral positions available within the broad field of geochemistry, to start as soon as possible in 2003. Normally, initial appointment will be for two years with the possibility of a 1-year extension depending on performance. Applications that would involve significant use of the DLC's multiple collector ICP-MS laboratory are particularly encouraged. Interested applicants are advised to consult the DLC's website ( for details of current research themes, although we would also welcome applications in the fields of low-temperature geochemistry and cosmochemistry.

General information
Applications must refer to the entire advertisement at the DLC web page, which outlines the requirements. Application deadline is noon, January 16th, 2003.
Initial enquiries and specific questions should be directed to senior staff Joel Baker (( or director Hans Christian Larsen ( prior to application. The DLC is part of Geocenter Copenhagen ( offering a large suite of laboratory facilities including TIMS, XRF, laser ablation ICP-MS and electron microprobe.
Applications must include a full CV, an academic record, an outline of the proposed research project, and details of three referees (names, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail and postal addresses). All material must be submitted in one original and five copies. The applications will be reviewed by a committee that includes members from outside the DLC. Any articles or manuscripts that you want to be considered by the reviewers must be included in the application. The full application, including copies, must be received at the Danish Lithosphere Centre, Øster Voldgade 10-L, 1350 Copenhagen K, Denmark, no later than noon, Thursday, January 16, 2003. The application should be marked 'J-0361-009'. A Ph.D. degree or equivalent in a relevant area must be completed prior to start of contract. Basic salary will be app. DKK 262,200 per year (305,600 incl. pension scheme) in case of 3 years seniority after M.Sc. Employment at DLC will be settled according to agreement between the Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations, within the Ministry of Environmen. The Ministry of Environment is an Equal Opportunity Employer and thus both women and men are encouraged to apply.

Post-doc opportunities in Geophysics/Geodynamics at DLC

The Danish Lithosphere Centre (DLC) has up to two post-doctoral positions within in the broad field of geophysics and geodynamics. Normally, initial appointment will be for two years with the possibility of a 1-year extension depending on performance. The DLC is a multidisciplinary research centre within Geocentre Copenhagen organized around selected solid earth science themes (see DLC web site for more information). Proposed projects should be related to DLC research themes and may involve earthquake seismology, active source seismology or geodynamic modeling including mantle melting processes. In addition, planetary science projects that can compliment ongoing research at the DLC by comparing earth to other planets are also welcome. Applicants are encouraged to discuss project proposals with DLC researchers prior to submission of application.

Applications must refer to the entire advertisement at the DLC web page, which outlines the requirements. Application deadline is noon, January 16th, 2003.

Inquiries and specific questions can be sent to any of the DLC geophysics staff (see our website for email addresses), but please also direct copies to director Hans Christian Larsen ( The DLC is part of Geocenter Copenhagen (

General information
Applications must include a full CV, an academic record, an outline of the proposed research project, and details of three referees (names, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail and postal addresses). All material must be submitted in one original and five copies. The applications will be reviewed by a committee that includes members from outside the DLC. Any articles or manuscripts that you want to be considered by the reviewers must be included in the application. The full application, including copies, must be received at the Danish Lithosphere Centre, Øster Voldgade 10-L, 1350 Copenhagen K, Denmark, no later than noon, Thursday, January 16, 2003. The application should be marked 'J-0361-008'. A Ph.D. degree or equivalent in a relevant area must be completed prior to start of contract. Basic salary will be app. DKK 262,200 per year (305,600 incl. pension scheme) in case of 3 years seniority after M.Sc. Employment at DLC will be settled according to agreement between the Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations, within the Ministry of Environmen. The Ministry of Environment is an Equal Opportunity Employer and thus both women and men are encouraged to apply.