Traces of PGE mineralisation are numerous in the terrains of Greenland. The Archaean of south-west Greenland hosts anorthositic suites, like the reworked Fiskenæsset complex (south of Nuuk). The complex hosts accumu lation of chromite in anorthosite, and traces of PGE mineralisation in Ni-sul-phide segregations in amphibolite. The Archaean shield north of Nuuk hosts the Maniitsoq Norite Belt; a suite of leuconorite and gabbro rocks in irregular bodies with traces of PGEs related to Ni-Cu-sulphide mineralisation. Within the same region, large ultramafic bodies and mafic layered complexes, such as Amikoq, locally show subeconomic PGE concentrations. The Proterozoic Ammassalik Belt on the East coast of Greenland hosts a suite of norites enveloped in supracrustals with komatiites to which are related massive sulphide occurrences, potentially PGE-bearing. Palaeogene Ni-sulphide occurrences with potential PGE concentrations are known in the West Greenland Basalt Province. Exploration has been carried out for more than a century in the Disko Bay region. Known occurrences are mainly hosted in lavas contaminated