In November 2017, a workshop on the ‘Assessment of the graphite potential in Greenland’ was arranged jointly by the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) and the Ministry of Mineral Resources (MMR), Government of Greenland. This workshop deviated from the standard resource assessment procedures applied in previous workshops, because no statistic grade/tonnage model has been established. Instead the focus of the workshop was to present and discuss: 1) the graphite value chain, 2) the Nordic graphite projects and operations, 3) the crucial parameters for graphite occurrence evaluation, and 4) known graphite occurrences in Greenland and their potential.
This edition of Geology and Ore provides an overview of: 1) the sources of graphite and the deposit types, 2) the graphite products, and 3) known graphite occurrences in Greenland. A GEUS report documenting results from the workshop is available.