National well database (Jupiter)

Jupiter is GEUS’ nationwide database for groundwater, drinking water, raw materials, environmental and geotechnical data. The database is the common public database within the field and is part of Denmark's Environment Portal. The database is open to the public.

The database contains information about more than 280,000 wells including:

  • technical structure of the well
  • geographical location
  • administrative information
  • geological description
  • water level measurements 
  • groundwater chemical tests and analyses

Additionally, the database contains information about more than 35,000 water abstraction plants (waterworks, irrigation systems, etc.) including:

  • geographical location
  • administrative information
  • drinking water chemical tests and analyses
  • abstracted water volumes
  • permits for water abstraction

If you have questions about the use of Jupiter please contact

For further information please contact Martin Hansen.

Martin Hansen
Chief Consultant
Geological Data Centre

Contact Jupiter