The result of 30 years of compilation: Stratigraphic lexicon for Greenland

Published 07-02-2020

With its more than 640 named stratified units, this lexicon, which is published by GEUS, comprises the formal stratified names in current use in Greenland.

The multi-coloured Ymer Ø Group of the Eleonore Bay Supergroup, northern East Greenland.
The multi-coloured Ymer Ø Group of the Eleonore Bay Supergroup, northern East Greenland.

The Stratigraphic lexicon for Greenland has been compiled by W. Stuart Watt, geologist at GEUS, and is a result of 30 years’ of work with a database containing almost 3000 entries. The stratified units are grouped chronologically into 17 sedimentary basins ranging in age from Palaeoproterozoic to Palaeogene.

At the back of the book, there are maps and associated simplified stratigraphic schemes, which together with the two lists of geographical names and the stratigraphic unit names make entries to the lexicon easy.

The book has 327 pages and was published in January 2020.

The lexicon can be downloaded in pdf form: Stratigraphic lexicon for Greenland

or be bought in hardback print by sending a request to:

Price: DKK 190 (ex VAT and postage).

The information and data about the units are also available here

W. Stuart Watt
Petrology and Economic Geology