Circular material consumption - opportunities and challenges for recycling raw materials

Published 08-03-2016

Given the world's growing consumption of raw materials, it is increasingly necessary to consider how we can reduce our use of primary resources, and instead increase recycling as part of a circular raw materials economy.

However, making the transition to a circular raw materials economy requires close work between many different fields of expertise, such as geology, engineering, materials technology and behavioural science. The concept of a circular raw materials economy also demands more specific knowledge about resource use in the built environment, and the recycling potential of items such as buildings, cars and smartphones.

As a part of this important discussion, the Center for Minerals and Materials (MiMa) invites you to a series of lectures under the title: Recycling opportunities and challenges for a sustainable supply of raw materials. MiMa has asked three internationally renowned scientists to put focus on the opportunities as well as the challenges connected to the recycling of raw materials:

  • April 6 th kl. 13: Prof. Dr. techn. Helmut Rechberger: How to assess the building materials stock as a potential raw materials source
    PLACE: Auditorium C, University of Copenhagen, Department of Geoscienes and Natural Resource Management, Oester Voldgade 10, 1350 - entrance through the Rotunda; follow the arrows (Please notice time and place )
    REGISTER here
  • April 26 th kl. 15: : Honorary professor, author, Tor Nørretranders: A zero waste approach
    PLACE: Theodor Sorgenfrei Auditorium, GEUS
    REGISTER here
  • May 26 th kl. 15: Prof. Dr. Markus Reuter: Metal recycling, opportunities and limits
    PLACE: Theodor Sorgenfrei Auditorium, GEUS
    REGISTER here

Lectures of approximately 45 minutes will be in english, followed by time for questions and discussion.

The lectures take place at the University of Copenhagen, Department of Geoscienes and Natural Resource Management. In both instances the address is:

Øster Voldgade 10
1350 København K

Anyone with interest in the subject is invited - REGISTRATION necessary, see registration link for each lecture above.

Marianne Vestergaard
Center for Minerals and Materials (MiMa)
Telephone: +45 3110 3038

Metals, plast, glass, building materials

Metals, plast, glass, building materials etc. Are there limits to recycling or can recycling be optimized to no waste (Zero Waste)?